In the past, I have talked to different public school teachers here in China about how much money they make. The Chinese are always fascinated by how much more expat employees are paid than locals, and I am usually equally mystified by how little locals are paid. I truly do not know how some people Read More
Search Results for: shenzhen daily
How to Steep the Perfect Cup of Tea
I have been experimenting a lot with tea lately. I found a great tea shop on our last trip to Changsha, so I forced myself to finally learn how to steep tea. I’m still not an expert, but I have been having a lot of fun learning about tea. I don’t think I’m the only Read More
Why China Needs Bloggers
The bad thing about working for a Chinese newspaper is having to sometimes proof articles that are are so blatantly propagandist or that so closely toe the party line, they make my eyes hurt. I love my job (a lot, seriously), but the amount of articles that I have to read regarding how much China Read More
Why China Needs Feminism – So All People Can be Held Responsible for Their Actions
I just read an article in the Shenzhen Daily that has me fuming. A 16-year old girl gave birth to twins on Sunday. Her 20-year old boyfriend is denying paternity and avoiding her calls, refusing to take responsibility for the children. Already, there are two problems with this story. 1) The man is not being Read More
Women's History Month – Awesome Chinese Women You Never Heard Of
To celebrate Women’s History Month, I had a small piece published in the Shenzhen Daily today featuring three amazing, historical Chinese women you probably never heard of. Because of space and reasons, though, the article is pretty short and doesn’t do these women justice. After reading the article, I hope you will look up Mary Read More
Hiring a Housekeeper in China
Long time readers of this blog might remember one of my more popular posts from a couple of years ago about my Housekeeper from Hell, Annie. Long story short, Annie came across some very personal photos of mine while cleaning and shared them on WeChat, China’s most popular social network, and called me a prostitute. Read More
China's Family Planning Policies Still Firmly in Place
Don’t worry, everyone. China still has the most brutal and backward family planning policies in the world. I work at a newspaper, but the biggest news in weeks broke while I was on my way home for the weekend Thursday night. In the 45-minutes it took to get from my office to my home, my Read More
China – Not As Safe As You Think
In the past, when people have asked me “is China safe?” I have answered “yes.” And most people would agree. In fact, if you Google “is China safe?” you will find plenty of forums that tout the safety of China, even for women. Yet I have been seeing more and more incidents of Western women Read More
Throwback Thursday – On the Li River
Yangshuo, Guangxi Autonomous Region, about an hour from Guilin, is one of the most beautiful towns in China. We spent about a week there when we first came to China since that is where the Buckland Training Center is located. We’ve been there twice since. There are so many beautiful and interesting places to visit Read More
Why Guangzhou Closing Its Baby Hatch Changes Nothing
Within hours of my article “Postponing of Baby Hatch Disgraces Shenzhen” being published, news broke that Guangzhou was temporarily closing its baby hatch (“baby hatch” is the unfortunate term used to describe small buildings where parents can safely abandon their children). According to authorities, the Guangzhou baby hatch had received so many children, the Social Read More